Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Party Girl

Cora wanted donuts, eggs and hash browns for her birthday breakfast.

For dinner she wanted to go to the "french fry lodge" aka: Locsha Lodge.
She also wanted me to do her hair like Elsa from Frozen.

At home with her pony stick.  


Saturday we had a Frozen birthday party!

Cora's favorite dinner is chicken alfredo, caesar salad, pineapple and strawberries with blue Gatorade for the kids to drink and "Frozen" blue martinis for the adults!

dear friend Beth and Taylor Crawford

Uncle Pat and Miss Katie

Part of the party was borrowing Cora's favorite horse 'Buck'  from the Locsha Lodge. Thank you Lodge!

A huge hit for the kids

Look at those smiles! 

the only evidence that I was there!

One of Erin's favorite things to do, eating rocks! 

A chocolate ice cream cake with strawberry ice cream

Happy birthday my sweet middle girl!
Love you lots


Holly D. said...

Cora and Audrey look so grown up! Your cake was awesome!!!! Love you all!

Stef said...

your girls have gotten SO big! This was such a cute party and that Frozen cake had my girls oooo'ing and awe'ing a lot :)

Erin said...

beautiful, Cola!! The girls are getting so grown up. Wow!