Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Yesterday morning at 4:45 am we woke up to wolves howling. It was fun listening for the first 15 mintues, but after and hour we grew very tried of it. So Lucas, who had a wolf tag, got all bundled up ( I mean it was -10 degrees) and went after him. The wolf was only 100 yards from the house to start with, but Lucas tracked him for 4 hour and three miles later, shot him. The wolf was a male about 100 lbs and totally frozen by the time we took these pictures. Pretty exciting!


Anonymous said...

Not that either of us needs to be reminded of it, but ... you married a MAN!

Christine Cohen said...

Man that's freaking awesome. Those teeth are crazy. Can you imagine that thing clamping on to you?


Holly D. said...

I'm still amazed at how big the wolf was!!!! Come on...Lucas is what 6'6"? And the wolf is almost the same length?!?!?! My hat's off to you Cola for living in sub-freezing weather with major wild animals.

Krista said...

That is crazy! That wolf is huge! (And just a little scary looking). Do you ever worry about him when he is gone for 4 hours hunting, or is that fairly normal?

Nicola said...

I did worry this time, only because it was so cold and I fell asleep before he left and then when I woke up he was gone. But it's very normal for him to be gone that long or longer with hunting.

Nicola said...
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Stef said...

wow! my kids got such a big kick out of this! Ethan keeps saying "I will like to go hunting with that guy. He's the best at it." :)

Awesome pictures! This is so cool. I've never actually seen a wolf up close like that.