Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Thought on Christmas

Our family has been going through the CREC Advent devotions and I wanted to share a thought by Doug Wilson on Christmas.

This is in the application aspect of the devotion.
"Prepare the members of your family to think of Advent and Christmas in very material terms. This is not a season that celebrates vague spiritualities, but rather the season that celebrates God taking on flesh. The instinct to give gifts, to eat chocolate, to cut down a tree in the woods to bring home, is therefore all very healthy and in line with the holiday. Matter enables us to give, and not just to grab."

If anyone would like to add these devotions to your Advent celebrations and preparations you can find them at: , we have found them insightful and such a blessing.

1 comment:

Stef said...

Thanks Cola! I'm glad you shared the link. I love what they had to say about how and why we celebrate.