Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One of those days...

We started with a bowl of cheerios all over the floor this morning (wish I would have taken a picture).
Then I thought the day could only go up from here, but while I was exercising, this is what Cora was doing.

Mayo and sour cream all over everything!

Thus another clean up! Time to really mop tonight.
my little mess maker


Holly D. said...

The bright side: She's the cutest little mess maker! Love you all!

Christine Cohen said...

Haha, yes Lucy's getting pretty good at making messes now too! At least they do look so cute while they're at it!

Stef said...

haha! this made me laugh so hard! I love the look on her face. Why do these things go through their heads? Who would ever think getting mayo all over everything is FUN?!
Kara took my shaving cream out this morning and decorating my bedroom windows with it. I went to Target and bought some cheap cream and told her that tomorrow she could decorate the deck with it and I'll hose her down when she's done :)

Erin said...

oh wow, Cola!! Mayo everywhere!?! That would have sent into lunatic mom mode. Oh momma! I hope today is a little more mellow. :)

Krista said...

Oh my. Yes. I have mess makers like this too. LOL!