Sunday, September 5, 2010


Yesterday Lucas came home from work with this surprise, a black bear! Well, a black bear with a chocolate coat and a blonde butt. In this picture you can see the blond backside.

Cora had so much fun playing with the ears and petting the paws!

We didn't get a picture of Audrey, but she stayed outside with daddy the whole time he was skinning him.


Krista said...

Audrey was OK out there watching him SKIN the bear?!?! That's so crazy!

By the way, what does bear taste like?

Nicola said...

It feels like ground pork and taste like what ever you use to season it with. We make ours into sausage and I use it on pizza as well as spaghetti. We love it.

I'm heading out this afternoon to try to shoot my second one.